Our Global Services

Natural Food and Drink Products

The food and drink industry has been changing in the last 5 years seeing more Naturally produced and vegan products on our shelves. The real need for healthy eating, staying away from those unpleasant chemicals, bad preservatives and processed products that carry very little health benefits, having a balance diet and eating healthy natural products can keep you away from developing diabetes, high blood pressure and research shown even cancer. Trekco are very much focus and taken a positive approach on developing products that contain Natural ingredients and not using any sort of artificial sweeteners or any other unpleasant ingredients. We say “eat your food like it’s was your medicine”

Consultancy Services

We provide consultancy services to start-up’s, small and medium size enterprises who are looking for cost effective services to develop and produce new products into the food and drink market. Trekco has developed long term relationships with food and drink producers all over the World who are very flexible with low start-up cost for private label products with an affordable low MOQ. Our consultancy fees vary from client to client and every project is accessed with a feasibility report to see if it’s cost effective for us to take on, as this saves us and our potential client time and money. We also offer other services that range from marketing, distribution and product placement into Wholesalers, Independent Supermarkets and Grocery distributors. Further information get in touch with us via email info@trekcoltd.co.uk